Space Corp, a powerful aerospace company, is aware that Jax is a skilled software developer who played an important role in developing its space simulation games. Space Corp fears that it made a huge mistake by firing Jax, and it wants him back. The company is monitoring all former employees for potential information leaks, but it is unaware of Anya's existence. Anya is a brilliant student who demonstrated in a doctoral paper that direct communication between the human brain and computers is possible using light signals. She is unaware that Space Corp has stolen her idea and is using it in secret for nefarious purposes.
Space Corp is determined to find out what Jax and Anya are up to, but the company has no leads. They send an investigator to follow Jax's trail, and the only link they can find is Mark's friend at the police department, Samantha. Samantha is a prosecutor who investigates high-profile companies, and she has been investigating Space Corp for a long time. She has no proof of illegal activity, but the government gives her a mission to find out the true reason behind the embargo before they can open negotiations with Space Corp to lift it. The embargo is damaging the economy, and the government is desperate to find a solution.
Samantha likes Mark, and she helped him investigate Jax. They are now dating. Samantha has influence, and she wants to help Mark become a detective. Mark is just a patrol officer, but he wants to become a detective and do more important work. Samantha sees an opportunity here to connect with Jax and Anya through Mark and learn more about them.
Mark and Samantha are sitting at a table in a small restaurant. They are having dinner and discussing Samantha's new assignment.
"So, you're going to investigate Space Corp?" Mark asks.
"That's right," Samantha says. "I'm looking into their activities to see if they are involved in any illegal activities."
"That sounds dangerous," Mark says.
"It is," Samantha agrees. "But it's important work. Space Corp is a powerful company, and they need to be held accountable for their actions."
"How can I help?" Mark asks.
"I need you to keep an eye on Jax and Anya," Samantha says. "I think they may be involved in something big, and I need to know what it is."
"But why me?" Mark asks. "Why not use your own resources?"
"Because Space Corp knows me," Samantha says. "They're suspicious of me. But they don't know you. You're just a patrol officer. They won't be expecting you to spy on them."
Mark thinks for a moment. "Okay," he says. "I'll do it."
"Thank you," Samantha says. "I promise to return the favor. I'll help you become a detective."
Mark smiles. "That would be great," he says.
Mark and Samantha finish their dinner and leave the restaurant. They walk to their cars, but before they get in, Samantha stops Mark.
"Mark," she says. "I need you to know something."
"What is it?" Mark asks.
"I'm not just investigating Space Corp because I think they're doing something illegal," Samantha says. "I'm also investigating them because I think they're dangerous."
"Dangerous?" Mark asks. "What do you mean?"
"I think Space Corp is up to something big," Samantha says. "Something that could threaten the world."
Mark's eyes widen. "You're serious?" he asks.
"Very serious," Samantha says. "That's why I need your help."
Mark nods. "I'm with you," he says.
Samantha smiles. "Good," she says. "Now, let's get started."
Mark explained to Sam how he knew Anya, recalling the time when Anya splashed pedestrians with her electric bike. He was enthusiastic about the chase and recounted how Anya was a very fast driver. He was honest with Sam, admitting that he liked Anya and had done a favor for her. He even mentioned that he had become friends with her son, Toby.
Mark: (To Samantha) I met Anya in a very interesting way. She was rushing to the hospital because her son, Toby, was very sick. He was about to enter brain surgery, but she wanted the doctor to stop. She wasn't sure about Toby's sickness, and she wanted to take him to another doctor for a second opinion.
Samantha: (Shocked) Oh my gosh. That's terrible.
Mark: I know. But she's a very strong woman. She was able to stay calm and collected in the midst of all that chaos.
Samantha: What did you do?
Mark: I was on motorcycle patrol at the time, so I pulled her over. But when I saw how scared and worried she was, I decided to let her go. I told her to go to Toby and take good care of him.
Samantha: That was very kind of you.
Mark: Thanks. I just wanted to help.
Samantha: So, why did you investigate Jax?
Mark: Anya called me for a favor because she was worried about Jax's suspicious skills. I found out that he's working for Space Corp, a company that's trying to take over the world.
Samantha: Wow. That's serious.
Mark: It is. But Anya and Jax are the only ones who can stop them.
Samantha: How do you know that?
Mark: Because Jax has inside knowledge and is very skilled in Space Corp technology. He has found Anya and convinced her to steal a Sace Corp rocket and fly into space to infiltrate Space Corp.
Samantha: That's amazing.
Mark: It is. But I'm worried about Anya. She's in space with him right now. I'm afraid that he's going to hurt her with his crazy plans.
Samantha: I'm sure she'll be okay. She's a strong woman. She will temper Jax's ambitions.
Mark: I hope so.
Samantha: So, what are you going to do?
Mark: I don't know. I'm still trying to figure that out.
Samantha: Well, whatever you decide to do, I'll be here for you.
Mark: Thanks, Samantha. That means a lot.
Samantha: So, tell me more about Anya and Jax. What's their relationship like?
Mark: I don't know. They're just friends, as far as I know.
Samantha: But they're in space together. That's a lot of time alone.
Mark: I guess so.
Samantha: What do you think is going on between them?
Mark: I don't know. I'm not sure.
Samantha: Well, I'm curious to find out.
Mark: Me too.
Mark and Samantha continue to talk about Anya and Jax for the rest of the evening. Samantha is clearly interested in Jax, and she is trying to get Mark to talk about him more. Mark, on the other hand, is reluctant to talk about Jax because he is afraid that Samantha will develop feelings for him.
Samantha: So, Mark, what about you and Anya? Are you dating?
Mark: No, we're not. Just friends.
Samantha: Oh.
Mark: But I do like her. A lot.
Samantha: I can tell.
Mark: So, what do you think? Should I ask her out?
Samantha: Of course you should! She's an amazing woman.
Mark: Okay. I will.
(Mark and Samantha smile at each other.)
(The waiter is coming to the table. And introduce himself.)
Waiter: Good evening, ladies. I'm Alex, and I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?
Samantha: Sure, I'll have a glass of red wine.
Mark: I'll have an orange juice. I'm driving.
Samantha: Come on, Mark. Just one glass. It's a special occasion.
Mark: Okay, fine. But I'm calling a cab.
Samantha: (to the waiter) Two glasses of a good whine please, and bring also the bottle.
Waiter: Coming right up. The waiter is going to bring the wine.
Mark: (to Samantha): I'm starving. Let's order some food.
Samantha: Sounds good. What are you in the mood for?
Mark: I don't know. Something simple. Maybe a burger and fries.
Samantha: That sounds good to me too.
(Mark and Samantha order their food.)
Samantha: (To Mark) I noticed you ordered a burger and fries. Do you usually order something a little more adventurous?
Mark: I guess I'm just not in the mood for anything too complicated tonight.
Samantha: That's okay. I will order a salad instead of my usual steak.
Mark: Really?
Samantha: Yes. I thought it would be healthier.
Mark: That's a good idea.
(The waiter is coming back with the drinks. Mark and Samantha place the order.)
Samantha: (To Mark) Here's to new beginnings.
(Samantha raises her glass of wine.)
Mark: (To Samantha) Cheers.
(Mark and Samantha clink glasses and take a sip of wine.)
Samantha: (To Mark) So, Mark, tell me more about yourself.
Mark: What do you want to know?
Samantha: Anything. Your job, your hobbies, your family...
Mark: Well, I'm a police officer. I've been on the force for five years now. I love my job. It's challenging and rewarding.
Samantha: That's great. What about your hobbies?
Mark: I like to read, play video games, and go to the gym. I also like to read detective stories with mystery and adventure.
Samantha: Sounds like a lot of fun.
Mark: It is.
(The food arrives. Mark and Samantha continue to talk and drink wine. Mark becomes more relaxed and friendly as the evening progresses. He tells Samantha about his family and his childhood. He even tells her about his secret mission to investigate Jax and Space Corp.)
Samantha: (To Mark) I had a wonderful time tonight, Mark.
Samantha does not want the evening to end so she orders a dessert and she continues the conversation while Mark is enjoying the food.
Samantha: (Looking at the dessert menu) I don't want the evening to end. Why don't we order dessert?
Mark: (Still eating his main course) I'm stuffed.
Samantha: Come on, Mark. It's a special occasion.
Mark: Okay, fine. But I'm only getting a small one.
(Samantha orders a large chocolate cake and Mark orders a small cheesecake.)
Samantha: (While Mark is eating his cheesecake) So, Mark, tell me more about Toby.
Mark: He's an amazing kid. He's smart, funny, and kind. He's also a genius. He's the one who came up with the plan to stop Space Corp. He told me he had recruited Jax in a chat room. Can you believe this?
Samantha: Wow. That's impressive.
Mark: It is. I'm really proud of him.
Samantha: What's his relationship like with his mom?
Mark: They're very close. She loves him more than anything in the world.
Samantha: I can tell.
Mark: Yeah, she's a great mom.
Samantha: So, how's Toby doing now?
Mark: He's doing much better. He's about to exit the hospital.
Samantha: That's great news!
Mark: It is. But there's one problem.
Samantha: What's that?
Mark: The doctors don't know how to explain why he's better. They want to research him further, but Toby's scared of them.
Samantha: I understand. He's probably been through a lot.
Mark: He has. But he's a strong kid. He'll get through this.
Samantha: I'm sure he will.
Samantha: Actually, Mark, I have an idea.
Mark: What is it?
Samantha: Since I used to be a nurse, I could go to the hospital and visit Toby. I know how to deal with kids, and maybe I can talk to him and help him understand what the doctors are trying to do.
Mark: That's a great idea, Samantha. I think Toby would really appreciate it.
Samantha: I hope so.
Mark: Me too, Samantha.
Samantha: (To Mark) I'd like to see you again.
Mark: (To Samantha) I'd like that too.
(Mark and Samantha smile at each other. They have found a connection, and they are both looking forward to seeing each other again.)
Mark: (Thinking to himself) I wonder what Samantha is up to. She's been acting kind of strange. But she's always been there for me, so I guess I should trust her.
(Samantha thinking to herself) I need to get Toby to trust me. Once I do, I can learn more about his involvement in this story. She is curious why Mark thinks that Toby is a genius.)
Samantha: Mark, I have a favor to ask you.
Mark: Sure, what is it?
Samantha: I need you to go with me to the hospital to talk to Toby.
Mark: Why?
Samantha: I'm not sure how to explain it, but I have a feeling that Toby needs me. And I think he needs you too.
Mark: I don't know, Samantha. I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
Samantha: Please, Mark. Just do this for me.
Mark: Okay, fine. I'll go with you.
Samantha: Thank you, Mark. I knew I could count on you.
Samantha and Mark drive to the hospital.
... and go to Toby's room. The room is empty.
Mark: (Looking around the room in disbelief) He's gone.
Samantha: (Confused) What do you mean?
Mark: I mean, he's not in his room. He's not anywhere in the hospital.
Samantha: (Shocked) Oh no. What are we going to do?
Mark: I don't know. But we have to find him.
Samantha: (Nodding) Okay.
Mark and Samantha leave Toby's room and start to search the hospital. They ask the nurses and doctors if they have seen Toby, but no one has.
Samantha: (To Mark) I'm starting to get worried.
Mark: (Putting his arm around Samantha) Me too. But we'll find him.
Samantha and Mark continue to search the hospital, but they can't find Toby anywhere. They start to get desperate.
Samantha: (To Mark) What are we going to do?
Mark: (Shaking his head) I don't know.
Samantha: (Sitting down on a bench) I'm so scared.
Mark: (Sitting down next to Samantha) Me too. But we can't give up. We have to find Toby.
Samantha and Mark sit on the bench for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to do next. Suddenly, they see a nurse walking towards them.
Nurse: (To Mark) Are you looking for Toby?
Mark: (Standing up) Yes! Where is he?
Nurse: He was discharged to his uncle this morning.
Mark: (Confused) His uncle?
Nurse: Yes. His uncle came to pick him up and take him home.
Mark: (To the nurse) What did his uncle look like?
Nurse: He was a tall man with dark hair and a beard. He was wearing a black suit.
Mark: (To the nurse) Did you see him leave the hospital?
Nurse: Yes. He left with Toby in a black car.
Mark: (To Samantha) We have to find Toby.
Samantha: (Nodding in agreement) Yes.
Mark and Samantha thank the nurse and leave the hospital. They run to Samantha's car and get in. Mark starts the car and drives away.
As they drive away, Mark looks in the rearview mirror. He sees the nurse standing in the doorway of the hospital, watching them.
Mark: (To Samantha) I don't trust that nurse.
Samantha: (Nodding in agreement) Me neither.
Mark and Samantha continue to drive. They are determined to find Toby and bring him home safely.
Samantha: (To Mark) So, tell me more about Toby.
Mark: He's a special kid. He has figured out that VR is making him sick. More precisely I think he is figured out that he becomes sick when he is not playing the space flight simulator. I think he is addicted to that game. I believe him. His mother told me that VR is very dangerous and she told me not to let him play for too long. I think she knows more about this.
Samantha: Toby's mother may be right about VR being dangerous. There are some concerns that VR could have negative long-term effects on the brain. It's also possible that Toby is addicted to the space flight simulator game. Video game addiction is a real problem, and it can be especially harmful for young people.
Mark: I know. I'm worried about Toby. I don't want to see him get hurt.
Samantha: Me neither. Maybe we can talk to his mother together and see what she thinks we should do.
Mark: Anya is in space with Jax we can't call her. Space Corp may trace our conversation in space and discover Jax and Anya. She told me not to call her. She will call me when she finishes the mission to hack the satellite. Samantha is very surprised. What satellite?
Mark and Samantha drive to the police station.
Mark: (To Samantha) I need your help with something.
Samantha: Sure. What is it?
Mark: I need you to check the security cameras at the hospital.
Samantha: Why?
Mark: Because I think Toby was kidnapped.
Samantha: What? Who would kidnap him?
Mark: I don't know. But I'm going to find out.
Mark and Samantha arrive at the police station and go to the security camera room.
Mark: (To the officer in the security camera room) Can I see the footage from the hospital cameras?
Officer: Sure. What day and time?
Mark: Today, at 10:00 AM.
The officer pulls up the footage and Mark and Samantha start watching it.
They see the nurse leading Toby into the room. The nurse locks the door and then turns around and walks away. They fast forward and then stop when they see the nurse again after about one hour. The nurse comes back enters the room with a bag, and exits the room with Toby dressed up. The nurse leads Toby out of the hospital and puts him into a black car that drives away.
Mark: (To Samantha) There is something strange going on.
Samantha: You are right. Why did she leave Toby so long in that room alone locked? Who is locking a hospital room?
Mark: (To Samantha) No is not only that. Toby walks differently. Whe is dragging his feet. Can you rewind the footage?
The officer rewinds the footage and Mark and Samantha start watching it again.
Mark: (To Samantha) The nurse must have drugged Toby or done something to him. He looks very disoriented. We must investigate what's going on.
Mark and Samantha leave the security camera room and go to Mark's office.
Mark: (To Samantha) I need you to do some research for me. I need you to find out everything you can about that nurse. Who is she and why did she kidnap Toby?
Samantha: Okay, I will.
Samantha leaves Mark's office and starts her research. Mark sits down at his desk and puts his head in his hands. He's worried about Toby and he's determined to find him.
To be continued. Will Mark find Toby? How is he going to explain this to Anya?