Anya sat in her room reflecting on the last events. She didn't trust Jax. He had proven himself capable of flying a spaceship and was very familiar with Space Corp technology. She was suspicious because Jax was not a spy and he pretended to be a simple guy, but he was too skilled for a simple guy.
She knew that she needed to investigate him in secret. She couldn't just ask him questions, because he would know that she was suspicious. She would have to be more clever than that.
Anya decided to start by looking through his things. She knew that he had a secret compartment in his backpack, and she was determined to find it. She waited until he was asleep, and then she snuck into his room.
She found the secret compartment and opened it. Inside, she found a map of the Space Corp headquarters, a list of names and addresses, and a small amount of money.
She decided to call Mark, the police officer she had met at the hospital. She knew that he was a good person, and she thought that he might be able to help her.
Anya: Mark, it's me, Anya.
Mark: Hey, Anya. What's up?
Anya: I need your help.
Mark: Anything.
Anya: I'm investigating Jax.
Mark: Jax? The guy you met at the charging station?
Anya: Yeah. I don't trust him. I think he's up to something.
Mark: I see.
Anya: I need you to help me investigate him in secret.
Mark: I'm a patrol officer. I can't do that.
Anya: I know. But I don't know anybody else from the police.
Mark: I know someone who could help. But it's not going to be easy.
Anya: I don't care. I just need to find out what Jax is up to.
Mark: Okay. I'll see what I can do.
Anya: Thank you, Mark. I owe you one.
Mark: No problem. Just one thing.
Anya: What is it?
Mark: In return, I want a date.
Anya: A date?
Mark: Yeah. A date.
Anya: Okay. A date.
Mark: Great. I'll call you later.
Anya: Okay. Thanks again, Mark.
Mark: No problem
Anya hung up the phone. She knew that she had done the right thing. With Mark's help, she would be able to find out the truth about Jax.
Anya waited several days for Mark to respond. Finally, he called her back and told her that he had found something. He said that Jax had worked for the Space Corp as a game programmer, but he had been fired because he was too vocal about the company's practices.
Anya was surprised. She had not expected Jax to have a connection to the Space Corp. But now that she knew, she understood why she was suspicious of him.
Anya thanked Mark for his help. She knew that she would need to be careful around Jax. But she was determined to find out what he was up to.
Anya continued to travel with Jax, but she kept her distance. She watched him closely, and she was always on guard. She knew that he was hiding something, and she was determined to find out what it was.
One day, Jax made a mistake. He left his laptop unattended, and Anya was able to get a look at it. She found a file that contained incriminating evidence against Jax.
Anya had the proof she needed. She confronted Jax and told him she knew everything. She was furious with Jax and asked him to explain his actions.
Anya: Jax, I need to talk to you.
Jax: Sure, what's up?
Anya: I know you're not who you say you are.
Jax: What are you talking about?
Anya: I know you used to work for the Space Corp.
Jax: That's true.
Anya: And I know you were fired because you were too vocal about their practices.
Jax: That's also true.
Anya: So what are you doing here?
Jax: I'm on a mission to stop the Space Corp.
Anya: Sure you are.
Jax: I am! I found out that they're sending a virus to Earth through a signal from outer space. I need your help to stop them.
Anya: Why should I help you?
Jax: Because we're on the same side. We both want to stop the Space Corp.
Anya: I don't know if I can trust you.
Jax: I understand. But you have to trust me. This is very important.
Anya sighs.
Anya: I'm only doing this because I'm curious to see if you're telling the truth. It will cost you extra because you have not been honest with me.
Jax: I promise I'm telling the truth. And if I'm not, you can always turn me over to the Space Corp. Then he winks.
Anya: We'll see about that.
Jax: Thank you. I knew I could count on you.
Anya is hiding a smile.
In the end, Anya and Jax agree to continue their journey together and work to stop the Space Corp. They know that it will be a dangerous mission, but they are determined to succeed.
Back on Earth, the investigation of Jax does not remain unnoticed. The Space Corp has started a counter-investigation, and they are determined to stop Jax and Anya before they can expose their secrets.
The Space Corp is a powerful organization, and they have a lot of resources at their disposal. Jax and Anya will need to be very careful if they want to stay one step ahead of them.
Mark is also in danger. He knows too much about Jax's plans, and the Space Corp will stop at nothing to silence him.
The story will continue in the next chapter, and we will see how Jax, Anya, and Mark fare against the Space Corp.