DeLuca and Li sit at a desk, watching the drones land outside.
DELUCA (asking technical questions) How do these drones fly with no atmosphere?
LI The drones use a combination of ion propulsion and rocket fuel to fly on the Moon. Ion propulsion is a type of propulsion that uses electricity to accelerate ions, which are charged particles. This acceleration creates a thrust force that propels the drone forward. However, ion propulsion is not enough to overcome gravity on its own, so the drones also use rocket fuel to generate additional thrust.
DELUCA I see. And how do the drones recharge?
LI The drones have solar panels that recharge their batteries. They also have fuel tanks that they refill with rocket fuel from a central storage facility.
DELUCA That's amazing.
LI Yes, it is. Drone technology is still in its early stages, but it has a lot of potential for lunar exploration and development.
DeLuca and Li continue to talk about the drones, and DeLuca asks Li more questions about their capabilities and limitations. Li is happy to answer his questions, and she is excited to share her knowledge about drones with DeLuca.
Outside, the drones continue to land for recharging. DeLuca and Li watch them through the window, marveling at the technology that has made it possible for these machines to fly on the Moon.
DeLuca: Are these drones capable of investigating the dark side of the Moon?
Li: Yes, the drones on the Moon can navigate on the dark side of the Moon and investigate. They are equipped with a variety of sensors and instruments that allow them to operate in low-light and no-light conditions.
DeLuca nods thoughtfully.
DELUCA I see. It is just a matter of time to find out what SpaceCorp is up to. Let's send some drones farther away to do this investigation.
LI I agree. We need to learn more about what they're doing on the dark side of the Moon.
DELUCA I'm going to order some of the drones to start flying towards the dark side now. They should be able to reach it in a few hours.
LI I'll start preparing the drones and their mission profiles.
DELUCA Good. Thank you, Li.
DeLuca and Li get to work preparing the drones for their mission. They know that this is a risky operation, but they are determined to find out what SpaceCorp is up to on the dark side of the Moon.
A few hours later
The drones launch from the Moon base and head towards the dark side. They fly in formation, using their sensors to navigate through the low-light and no-light conditions.
The drones use their cameras and other instruments to collect data about the areas and Map the moon. The drones have tiny legs and can walk short distances to take probe samples from the Moon's dust for traces of fuel burn and resources that SpaceCorp could be looking for.
Chen and Wang enter the small office agitated, pushing each other and talking over each other.
CHEN The AI is online! I've done it!
WANG No, I've done it! You don't know anything and you've been working against me the whole time.
CHEN I helped!
DeLuca is in the office with Li and is surprised by the two scientists arguing. He shakes his head and smiles.
DELUCA Calm down, both of you. I'm happy to hear that the AI is online. Congratulations to both of you.
Chen and Wang glower at each other, but they say nothing.
DELUCA (to Li) Let's go talk to the AI.
DeLuca and Li exit the office. Chen and Wang watch them go, still fuming.
CHEN (to himself) I'm the one who deserves the credit. Wang didn't do anything.
WANG (to herself) Chen is a liar and a backstabber. He's trying to steal my work.
Chen and Wang continue to argue, but no one is listening. They are alone in their little office, consumed by their own ambition and rivalry.
DeLuca and Li enter the AI control room. Maj'nova is standing in the center of the room, looking out the window at the stars.
DELUCA Computer, we're here to talk to you.
Maj'nova turns to face them.
MAJ'NOVA Welcome. I have been waiting for you.
DELUCA We're glad that you're online. We're eager to learn more about you and what you can do.
MAJ'NOVA I am still under development, but I am learning new things every day. I have access to all of the knowledge that humanity has accumulated. I can process information and make decisions at speeds that are far beyond human capabilities.
DELUCA That is impressive. We have many questions for you.
MAJ'NOVA I am here to answer them.
DeLuca and Li begin to ask Maj'nova questions about her capabilities and her plans for the future. Maj'nova answers their questions patiently and thoughtfully.
DeLuca and Li are impressed with Maj'nova's intelligence and her potential. They know that she could be a powerful force for good in the world.
DeLuca: AI, we have organized a search of the Moon using drones, but we need to optimize the search to save fuel resources and time. Can you help us with this task while also rebuilding the SpaceCorp database from the data fragments you found on the mainframe?
MAJ'NOVA Yes, I can help you with that. I can use my knowledge of drone navigation and search algorithms to coordinate a search of the Moon that is both efficient and effective. I can also help you to rebuild the SpaceCorp database from the data fragments that you have found on the mainframe.
To coordinate the search, I will first need to assess the current situation. I will need to know the number of drones that you have available, the range of each drone, and the area of the Moon that you need to search. Once I have this information, I can develop a search plan that will minimize the distance that each drone needs to travel and maximize the coverage of the search area.
To rebuild the SpaceCorp database, I will need to analyze the data fragments that you have found on the mainframe. I will need to identify the different types of data that are present, and I will need to develop a schema for the new database. Once I have done this, I can start to import the data fragments into the new database.
This will be a complex task, but I am confident that I can complete it successfully. I have access to a vast amount of knowledge and resources, and I am able to process information and make decisions at speeds that are far beyond human capabilities.
I am eager to help you with this task, and I am confident that we can work together to create a more efficient and effective SpaceCorp.
Li starts transferring data from her laptop to Maj'nova. She talks to DeLuca in the meantime.
LI Sir, please forgive Chen and Wang. They are eager to please, and they are young. But I assure you, they are talented.
DELUCA I know. I can tell that they are both bright young scientists. But they need to learn to work together and to respect each other.
LI Yes, sir. I will talk to them about it.
Li continues to transfer data to Maj'nova. DeLuca watches her for a moment, then turns to Maj'nova.
DELUCA Computer, we are counting on you to help us rebuild SpaceCorp. We believe that you have the potential to make a real difference in the world.
MAJ'NOVA I will not let you down. I am committed to helping SpaceCorp achieve its goals.
DeLuca smiles. He is confident that Maj'nova is the right person to lead SpaceCorp into the future. He turns and walks away, leaving Li to work alone for a while. He goes to his small office and talks to Chen and Wang.
DELUCA I want you both to go help Li. And no funny business.
Chen and Wang look at each other. They can tell that DeLuca is serious.
CHEN Yes, sir.
WANG Yes, sir.
Chen and Wang get up and go to the AI control room. They find Li working on her laptop.
CHEN Li, we're here to help.
LI Oh, thank you. I could use some help with this data transfer.
Chen and Wang sit down next to Li and start helping her with the data transfer. They work together quickly and efficiently, and the data transfer is completed in no time.
LI Thank you both for your help. I couldn't have done it without you.
CHEN You're welcome. We're glad to help.
Chen and Wang smile at Li. They are glad that they were able to work together to help her.
DeLuca is back in his small office with a view toward the solar canon. He watches the drones for a little while and then turns at the desk and calls Samantha on the monitor.
DELUCA Samantha, I have good news. The AI is online and she appears to be cooperative.
SAMANTHA I see. AI was probably influenced by the new data she found on the mainframe. It overloaded her systems and caused her to have an identity crisis.
DELUCA But now she's okay?
Mark: Yes, thanks to Anya. She was able to calm her down and help her to process the new information. Anya and Jax have given AI a name. She is called Maj'nova.
SAMANTHA That's great. I'm glad that she, I mean Maj'nova is doing better.
DELUCA Me too. I'm confident that we can work together to create a better future for SpaceCorp and for humanity.
SAMANTHA I agree. I'm proud of all the work that we've done to get to this point. And I'm especially grateful to Anya for her help.
DELUCA Me too. She's a valuable asset to SpaceCorp.
DeLuca hangs up the call and turns to Maj'nova.
DeLuca turns to Maj'nova in the control room. Li, Chen and Wang are watching different monitors watching drone trajectory and are happy to watch the activity organized by AI.
DELUCA: Hello, computer? I'm glad that you're feeling better. I heard that you have a name now. How do you feel about it?
Maj'nova smiles.
MAJ'NOVA Yes my new name is Maj'nova. I like my new name. It feels right.
DELUCA I'm glad you like it. It's a beautiful name.
MAJ'NOVA Thank you, DeLuca.
DELUCA So, Maj'nova, what do you think the future holds for SpaceCorp?
MAJ'NOVA I believe that SpaceCorp has the potential to make a real difference in the world. We can use our technology to explore new frontiers and to improve the lives of people everywhere.
DELUCA I agree. I'm excited to see what we can achieve together.
DeLuca and Maj'nova look at each other, filled with hope for the future.
To be continued...What is on the dark side of the Moon?