

Anya and Jax find a home in space and they take it.

Anya and Jax were on the moon, in a little tent surrounded by solar panels and antennas, working on their plan to stop Space Corp. Jax's phone rang, and he answered it.

"Mark," he said. "What's going on?"

Mark told Jax about Samantha's betrayal and Space Corp's plans. Jax was shocked and saddened by the news.

"I can't believe it," he said. "I thought Samantha was our friend."

"I know," Mark said. "But she's been working for Space Corp all along."

Jax sighed. "This is bad," he said. "Space Corp is more powerful than we thought."

"We have to stop them," Mark said. "We can't let them get away with this."

Jax nodded. "I agree," he said. "But we need to be careful. Space Corp is dangerous."

Jax hung up the phone and turned to Anya.

"Space Corp is more powerful than we thought," he said. "Samantha's been working for them all along."

Anya was shocked. "I can't believe it," she said. "I thought she was our friend."

"Me too," Jax said. "But it's clear that she's not."

"What are we going to do?" Anya asked.

"We need to be careful," Jax said. "Space Corp is dangerous. But we also need to stop them. We can't let them get away with this."

Anya nodded. "I agree," she said. "We need to find a way to stop them."

Jax was thinking to himself in Spanish, his native language. He was furious at Space Corp for betraying them and for hurting his friends. He vowed to himself that he would destroy them, no matter what.

"Space Corp," he hissed in Spanish. "Me temo que has cometido un error. No deberías haberte metido conmigo."

He turned to Anya and spoke in English.

"I promise you," he said. " We will find Toby before I will completely destroy the VR. We will stop Space Corp, and we will save our friends."

Anya nodded. She knew that Jax could be trusted. He was a good man, and he was determined to protect the people he cared about.

Jax and Anya continued to work on their plan. They knew that it would be a dangerous mission, but they were determined to succeed. They had to stop Space Corp, save all the kids and destroy the VR.

Jax announced to Anya that while she was asleep, he had managed to analyze her last adventure in VR. He was surprised to find that the last VR on the Space Station she had visited was different. It was not a regular VR; it was actually augmented reality.

"What do you mean?" Anya asked.

"It means that you were on a real space station," Jax explained. "And the kids you found were stuck in a loop in the holodeck of the station."

Anya was shocked. "I was a hologram and I didn't notice?"

"It's possible," Jax said. "Holograms can be very realistic."

"But how is this possible?" Anya asked. "How could I be on a real space station and not know it?"

"I'm not sure," Jax said. "But it's something we need to figure out."

Jax and Anya continued to talk about Anya's experience. They tried to make sense of what had happened, but they couldn't come up with a good explanation.

"Maybe it was all a dream," Anya said.

"I don't think so," Jax said. "I think it was real."

"But how?" Anya asked. "We need to find out more."

Jax and Anya decided to do some research on augmented reality and holograms. They wanted to see if they could find any information that could help them understand what had happened to Anya.

They spent the next few hours searching the internet and reading articles. They learned a lot about augmented reality and holograms, but they still couldn't figure out how Anya had been able to interact with the real world while she was in VR.

"Maybe it's something new that Space Corp is developing," Jax said. "Maybe they're trying to create a new type of VR that is more realistic than anything that has come before."

"It's possible," Anya said. "But why would they do that?"

"I don't know," Jax said. "But it's something we need to find out."

Jax and Anya continued to research augmented reality and holograms. They were determined to find out what had happened to Anya, and to stop Space Corp from whatever they were planning.

Jax showed Anya how to monitor his vitals and watch him. He told her to help him exit the VR if she saw him in danger. Anya was worried, knowing that Jax wanted to make a full investigation of the entire station, but she was determined to help him.

Jax and Anya embrace each other. Jax puts on the VR headset and says to himself in Spanish, "Vamos a hacer esto. Aquí voy."

Anya watches Jax on the monitor as he enters the VR simulation. She knows that Jax is in danger, but she also knows that he is strong and brave. She trusts him to complete his mission.

Anya speaks to herself in Italian, "Buona fortuna Jax. Sii coraggioso." (Good luck Jax. Be brave.)

She watches him on the monitor, her heart pounding in her chest. She sees him move through the simulation, his eyes focused and determined.

She knows that he is facing a powerful and dangerous enemy, but she also knows that he is not alone. She is with him, and she will do everything she can to help him.

Anya continues to watch Jax on the monitor, her eyes fixed on the screen. She knows that every second counts. She prays for his safety and success.

"Jax," she whispers. " Credo in te, amico mio." (I believe in you, my friend.)

Jax admired himself in the VR simulation. The texture and imagery were so realistic that he felt like he was actually there. He realized that he was augmented and that he could walk around, open doors, and even look outside. He could clearly see the Earth in its splendor, and two distant space shuttles approaching like two tiny stars. He knew that they were closing in fast, maybe hours away.

Jax had brought his tools with him, and they were rendered with remarkable realism. He could press the buttons and turn on and off the VR-simulated devices with ease. The technology adapted itself to the new data seamlessly.

Jax spoke to himself in Spanish, "¡Qué locura!" (Crazy!)

Jax looked down at the small hacking device in his hand. It was a device of his own invention, designed to detect movement in VR, even behind fake walls. He could see any presence, but he couldn't distinguish between simulated and real doors. Behind real doors could be real people. He looked around, but he saw no one. He was alone.

"This station is amazing," he thought. "I think I know what it is. It's a training facility for Space Corp. Space cadets could train here for years. This station has a lot of energy coming from outside solar panels that are extended. It could support maybe 100 holograms simultaneously."

Jax had to hurry. He sat down at a console and began hacking.

Jax managed to hack into the space station and find that all the inhabitants were holograms. He disconnected them, and they all disappeared, waking up in Space Corp stations and homes where they were sleeping, with no memory of the past two years.

Jax is thinking in Spanish: "Te metiste con la persona equivocada, amigos." ("You mess with the wrong person friends")

He connected his virtual device to the console and downloaded a space map that was probably used by Space Cadets for training. He wondered if the map was real or fake, but he didn't have much else to do, so he returned to Anya. He felt a pang of sadness as he left the station. He had fallen in love with the feeling of being there.

Anya smiled with joy when she saw Jax back so soon. "How was it?" she asked.

Jax was enthusiastic, and Anya began to feel jealous. "Jax, I've never seen you like this before," she said. "I'm worried you've been bombarded with endorphins. You sound like a groom at a wedding. Are you in love?"

Jax realized that he was indeed in love with his new discovery. He couldn't believe it. He had never felt this way about anything before.

He was fascinated by the space station and its potential. He loved the feeling of being there, even though it was just a simulation. He felt like he was exploring a new world, a world that he could help to shape.

Jax knew that his love for the space station was unconventional, but he didn't care. He was happy, and that was all that mattered.

"No puedo creerlo", he said to himself. "Estoy enamorado de una estación espacial". ("I can't believe it,". "I'm in love with a space station.")

Jax smiled. He was excited to see what the future held for him and his new love.

Anya reminded Jax of the two space shuttles approaching the moon. Jax confirmed that they were real, having watched their trajectory from the space station.

Anya: So, you're in love with a space station?

Jax: Yes, I am.

Anya: But... it's a space station.

Jax: I know. But it's also amazing. It's so vast and mysterious. And it's full of potential. I can't help but be drawn to it.

Anya: But... it's not real. It's just a simulation.

Jax: You are wrong Anya. This is a real space station capable of augmented reality. Is a dream come true.

Anya: But... what about me? Do you love me?

Jax: Of course, I love you, Anya. But in a different way.

Anya: What do you mean?

Jax: I love you like a friend. Like a sister. But I love the space station like... like a lover.

Anya: (shocked) You love me?

Jax: Yes, I do. I love you very much.

Anya: But... I don't understand.

Jax: I know it's weird. But it's how I feel.

Anya: I don't know what to say.

Jax: You don't have to say anything. Just know that I love you both.

Anya: (sighs) I guess I'll just have to learn to share.

Jax: I'm glad you understand.

Anya: (sarcastically) Yes, I'm thrilled.

Jax: (laughs) I know you are.

Anya: (rolls her eyes) Whatever.

Jax: (puts his arm around Anya) I love you, Anya.

Anya: (sighs) I love you too, Jax.

Even though Anya is jealous of the space station, she knows that Jax loves her in his own way. And she loves him back.

Jax sat at a console, his fingers flying over the keyboard. He was making a plan.

"What are you doing?" Anya asked.

"I'm going to hijack the space station," Jax said.

Anya laughed. "You're joking, right?"

"I'm serious," Jax said. "I have all the data I need. I just need to figure out how to do it without getting caught."

Anya shook her head. "Questa idea è pazzesca e impossibile da fare" she said in Italian.

Jax: What?

Anya repeats in English. "This idea is crazy and impossible to do."

"It's not impossible," Jax said. "It's just going to be difficult."

Anya thought about it for a moment. "What if you succeed?" she asked.

"Then we'll be free," Jax said. "Space Corp won't be able to control us anymore."

Anya nodded. "I'm in," she said.

"Good," Jax said. "Now, let's get started."

Jax and Anya spent the next few hours discussing their plan. They talked about the risks, the challenges, and the potential rewards. They also discussed the possibility of failure.

"What if we get caught?" Anya asked.

"Then we'll have to face the consequences," Jax said. "But I'm not going to let that stop me."

Anya took a deep breath. "Okay," she said. "I'm with you."

Jax smiled. "I knew I could count on you," he said.

Jax and Anya continued to plan, and they soon realized that they had a chance of success. Jax had found something interesting on the station: a way to disable the station's security systems. This gave Jax and Anya the edge they needed.

Jax and Anya knew that their plan was risky, but they were determined to see it through. They knew that it was their only chance to escape from Space Corp's control and to create a better future for themselves.

Jax: Anya, we have to work as a team on this one. You have to go in the VR. You seem to resist endorphins better than I do. Also, I'm a better pilot. I have to fly the spaceship and dock on the space station. You will help me as a hologram from the inside. We will both be on the spaceship, and I will wake you up if something goes wrong. There is no danger for us. We have to fold our tents and go.

Anya: Okay, Jax. I'm with you.

Jax: Good. Now, let's go over the plan again.

Jax and Anya went over the plan one last time. They made sure that they both knew what to do and what to expect. Then, they put on their VR helmets and entered the simulation.

Anya: Jax, I'm inside the space station and I'm disabling the security systems. But be careful, the space station lasers are still active. I'll try to disable them as quickly as possible.

Jax: Got it, Anya. I'm approaching the space station now.

Jax flew the spaceship towards the space station. Anya continued to work on disabling the security systems. She was focused on her task, and she didn't say a word.

Finally, Anya was able to disable the security systems. She let Jax know, and he was able to safely dock the spaceship on the space station.

They were now in a race against time. Space Corp would soon realize that the space station had been hijacked, and they would send reinforcements.

Jax and Anya entered the space station together. They had to find the controls and take control of the station.

They worked together quickly and efficiently. They were both determined to succeed.

After a few minutes, Jax and Anya were able to take control of the space station. They removed the space station from the Space-Corp map and made it invisible. Then, they started the engines and moved the station to a different orbit. Space Corp had lost the link to the space station. This was the first win for Jax and Anya.

Jax and Anya's discovery that the space station is not only a station, but a solar orbiter capable of traveling into deep space, ignites a spark of hope within them. It offers them a chance to escape Space Corp's control and explore the vast and unknown universe.


Jax: This is incredible, Anya. The space station is a solar orbiter capable of traveling into deep space. We can use it to escape Space Corp's control and save the kids.

Anya: I know, Jax. It's like a dream come true. But we can't just leave. We have to keep fighting. We have to stop Space Corp from doing this to anyone else.

Jax: I agree. But we need to be strategic. We can't just charge in blindly. We need to come up with a plan.

Anya: I know. Let's start by figuring out how to get the kids.

Jax: Good idea. We'll need to find a way to get the kids into the Space Station.

Anya: Once we have the kids, we can figure out how to take down Space Corp.

Jax: It's not going to be easy, but we have to do it. For the kids.

Anya: For the kids.

Jax and Anya looked at each other, their eyes filled with determination. They knew that they had a difficult task ahead of them, but they were determined to succeed. They had to save the kids and put an end to Space Corp's evil plans.

Jax and Anya continue hacking and soon find the purpose of the station. It is the final destination of the shuttles. It was supposed to receive the kids.

Jax asks Anya where the kids will go now that they have lost the destination.

Anya: I don't know, Jax. But we have to find a way to save them.

Jax: I know. But where can we take them?

Anya: I don't know. But we have to find a place where they will be safe.

Jax: We'll find a way. But first, we need to stop Space Corp.

Anya: I agree. Let's finish hacking and see what else we can find.

Jax and Anya continue hacking, determined to find a way to save the kids and stop Space Corp.

Jax and Anya establish communication with the shuttles. The shuttle pilots are overjoyed to finally hear a signal from the space station. They have been in the moon's gravity with no idea where the station is. They embarrassingly admit that they lost it for a while.

"We're so glad to hear from you!" one of the pilots exclaims. "We thought we were lost for good."

"Don't worry," Anya says. "We're here now. We'll guide you back to the station."

"Thank you," the pilot says. "We owe you one."

"Just don't lose us again," Jax says with a laugh.

"We won't," the pilot says. "Promise."

The shuttles follow Jax and Anya's guidance and soon arrive at the space station. The pilots are relieved to be back, and they thank Jax and Anya profusely for their help.

"You're welcome," Jax says. "Just be more careful next time."

"We will," the pilot says. "We promise."

Jax and Anya watch as the shuttles dock with the space station. They are glad that they were able to help, and they are even more glad that the kids are safe.

As the pilots disembark from the shuttles, one of them approaches Jax and Anya.

"Thanks again for your help," he says. "We really appreciate it."

"No problem," Jax says. "Just be more careful next time."

"We will," the pilot says. "We promise."

The pilot then leans in close to Jax and whispers, "Just between you and me, we're not the best pilots in the galaxy."

Jax and Anya laugh. "We won't tell anyone," they say.

The pilot smiles and walks away. Jax and Anya watch him go, shaking their heads.

"I guess we all have our weaknesses," Anya says.

"Yeah," Jax says. "But at least we're trying our best."

Jax and Anya look at each other and smile. They know that they will face many challenges in the future, but they are confident that they can overcome them together.


Anya welcomes the kids on the coms and guides them to different rooms to rest. The kids are very happy and seem to know the station very well. Anya and Jax are talking about it.

Anya: I'm so glad the kids are safe.

Jax: Me too. But I'm wondering why they seem to know the station so well.

Anya: Maybe they've been here before.

Jax: Maybe. But why would Space Corp bring them back to the station?

Anya: I don't know. But we'll figure it out.

Anya asked the kids if they knew what to do. They explained that they had trained here before, or in a similar simulation, but couldn't explain it very well. They told Anya not to worry because they knew what to do and would help her manage the station.

Anya and Jax watch as the shuttles undock and start engines, returning to Earth to bring more kids. They are worried. They need to stop this and save the other kids from being kidnapped.

"We have to stop them," Anya says.

"But how?" Jax asks. "They're already gone."

"I don't know," Anya says. "But we have to find a way."

Anya and Jax brainstormed ideas. They know that they need to come up with a plan quickly before the shuttles reach Earth and Space Corp can kidnap more kids.

Jax: We can't do it from here, Anya. The pilots have control. We need to get help from our friends on Earth.

Anya: How? We're more than 2,000 miles away from Earth.

Jax: We can use the space station's radio transmitter. We can send a message to our friends, asking for their help.

Anya: It's a long shot. But it's our only chance.

Jax nodded. "We will call them he says, but first let's secure the kids here. There is time until the shuttles return to Earth."

Anya is looking around, seeing many kids. She speaks into the coms: "Toby, cadet Toby must present himself to the control room."

Anya waits for a response, but there is none. She repeats the message, this time with more urgency in her voice:

"Toby, cadet Toby must present himself to the control room immediately."

Toby is playing with the other kids when he hears his mother's voice on the comms. He stops playing and listens carefully.

"Toby, cadet Toby must present himself to the control room immediately."

Toby's eyes widen in surprise. He recognizes his mother's voice. He can't believe it. She's here.

He turns to the other kids and says, "I have to go."

The other kids look at him in confusion.

"Where are you going?" one of them asks.

"My mom is calling me," Toby says. "She needs me in the control room."

The other kids nod in understanding.

"Go ahead," one of them says. "We'll be here when you get back."

Toby smiles and runs towards the control room. He can't wait to see his mother again.

He bursts through the door of the control room and sees his mother standing there. She smiles when she sees him and opens her arms.


Toby runs into her arms and they hug each other tightly.

"I'm so glad you're safe," Anya says.

"Me too," Toby says. "I missed you so much."

Anya and Toby break their hug and look at each other.

"We have a lot to talk about," Anya says.

"I know," Toby says. "But first, I want to help you stop Space Corp."

Anya smiles. "I knew I could count on you," she says.

Anya and Toby hug again. They know that they are now together and can do anything. They will stop Space Corp and save the other kids.

To be continued ... how will Mark, Samantha and Torres help Jax and Anya?