The Drone

The Drone

Anya and Jax are in danger of being discovered in space.

Anya and Jax are traveling at all speed towards the Space Corp satellite. They are hidden in a small but powerful spaceship that is capable of traveling at great speeds.

Anya is sitting in the cockpit, marveling at the view of Earth from space. She has never been to space before, and she is awestruck by the beauty of it all. She is thinking of her son who is yet in the hospital.

Jax is sitting next to her, focused on the task at hand. He is hacking into the Space Corp's satellite network, trying to find a way to disable the satellite and take control of it.

Suddenly, Anya hears an alarm. She looks at the monitor and sees that the Space Corp has detected their presence. They are sending a fleet of spaceships to intercept them.

Jax curses under his breath. He knows that they need to disable the satellite quickly, or they will be captured. He turns to Anya and says:

Jax: We need to hurry. The Space Corp is on its way.

Anya nods. She knows that the stakes are high, and she is determined to help Jax succeed.

  • Anya: Jax, I have an idea.

  • Jax: What is it?

  • Anya: What if we send a drone into space? We could program it to transmit a fake transponder signal. That way, the Space Corp would think that we're somewhere else when we're really on our way to the satellite.

  • Jax: That's a brilliant idea! I'm impressed.

  • Anya: Thanks. I thought it was a bit of a gamble, but I'm glad you like it.

  • Jax: So, how do we make it happen?

  • Anya: Well, first we need to find a drone that's capable of traveling to space and transmitting a signal. We'll also need to program it to transmit the right kind of signal.

  • Jax: Okay, I'll start looking into that.

  • Anya: Great. I'll start working on a plan for how to get the drone into space.

  • Jax: Thanks, Anya. I'm glad we're in this together.

  • Anya: Me too.

Anya and Jax spend the next few hours working on their plan. They find a drone that's capable of their needs, and they program it to transmit a fake transponder signal.

Later that day, Anya and Jax launch the drone into space. They watch as it flies away, and they hope that it will work. They go into radio silence and wait.

Anya and Jax sit in the darkness of the spaceship, waiting for the Space Corp to take the bait. They have launched the drone and switched off all electronics, including the lights. The drone is transmitting a fake transponder signal, leading the Space Corp to believe that they are somewhere else.

Anya and Jax are silent, listening intently for any sign of the Space Corp. They know that it could be hours before the Space Corp gets far enough. They are willing to wait as long as it takes to avoid detection and continue their mission.

  • Anya whispers: "Jax, why are you smiling?"

  • Jax grins. "Why are you whispering?" he asks. "We're in space. Sound doesn't travel through space."

  • Anya's eyes widen. "Oh, right," she says. "I guess I'm just used to being careful."

  • Jax laughs. "Don't worry," he says. "Space Corp is close by, but they can't hear us."

  • Anya starts blinking faster and blushes. "I know that," she says. "I'm just afraid of being discovered, that's all."

  • Jax puts his arm around her and pulls her close. "Don't worry," he says. "I'm here. I'll protect you."

Anya smiles and leans her head on his shoulder. "Thank you, Jax," she says.
Anya and Jax watch from the window of the spaceship as the Space Corp ships chase the drone further and further into space. They are relieved that their plan has worked, and they can now focus on their next task: changing the spaceship's identity and mission.

  • Anya: Jax, look! There it is!

  • Jax: The drone?

  • Anya: Yes. And the Space Corp ships are following it.

  • Jax: Good. Our plan is working.

Later, Anya and Jax continue to travel to the satellite. They are both nervous, but they are also determined to succeed. They know that they are fighting for a good cause, and they are not going to give up.

Anya is missing her son and she is calling the hospital. She is relieved to hear that her son, Toby, is feeling better. She is surprised and grateful to learn that Mark has visited him and that they have become good friends. However, she is alarmed when she learns that Mark has brought Toby a new VR set.

Anya knows that VR sets can be dangerous, and she is worried that Toby using the VR set could make him sick again. She sternly tells Toby not to use the VR set under any circumstance, and he promises to obey.

Toby is excited to see his mother in her space costume.

  • He asks her, "Mommy, are you a real astronaut? I thought you were joking. I thought you worked as a waitress and tricked me into believing you are a hero or something."

  • Anya laughs. "I am a real astronaut," she says. "But I also work as a waitress sometimes. I have to do a lot of different jobs to make ends meet."

  • Toby nods. "I understand," he says. "But I'm still proud of you, Mommy. You're the coolest astronaut in the world."

  • Anya smiles and hugs Toby. "Thank you, Toby," she says. "That means a lot to me."

Anya calls Mark again, still worried about Toby and the VR set. Mark assures her that he has already explained to Toby how dangerous the VR set can be if is used for too long, and that Toby has promised not to overuse it.

Anya is still not convinced. She knows that Toby is a curious boy, and she is worried that he might be tempted to use the VR set all day long even though he knows he shouldn't.

She asks Mark to please keep an eye on Toby and to make sure that he doesn't use the VR set. Mark agrees, and he promises to call Anya if there are any problems.

Anya is grateful for Mark's help, but she is still worried. She knows that she is putting him in a difficult position, but she doesn't know what else to do. She is determined to protect Toby from any harm, even if it means asking for help from others.

Jax has finished preparing the device and is showing it to Anya. A conversation starts. Anya is interested in the device that Jax has prepared. She asks him what it is and how it works.

Jax explains that the device is a hacking tool that can be used to install malware on the satellite. Once the malware is installed, it will reverse the signal that the satellite is transmitting. This will allow Jax and Anya to transmit an antivirus program to the Space Corp network.

The Space Corp will not suspect anything because they will think that the satellite is still transmitting the virus signal. However, Jax and Anya will be able to access the Space Corp network through the antivirus program.

Anya is impressed with Jax's device and his plan. She knows it is risky, but she is confident they can succeed. However, she is worried about having to spacewalk. She suggests using a drone, but Jax argues that he doesn't trust the drone to be smart enough or reliable enough. He is also worried that the drone may log the operation, and they would need to work to erase it.

  • Anya: Okay, Jax. Let's get ready for our spacewalk.

  • Jax: Great. But who's going out?

  • Anya: I don't know. Neither of us has any experience with spacewalking.

  • Jax: True. But one of us has to do it.

  • Anya: I guess so.

Anya and Jax look at each other for a moment. They are both nervous, but they are also determined to succeed. They start chatting.

  • Jax: Why don't we play a game to decide who goes out?

  • Anya: Okay. What kind of game?

  • Jax: I don't know. Rock-paper-scissors?

  • Anya: Too boring.

  • Jax: How about we tell each other a joke? The one who tells the better joke gets to stay inside.

  • Anya: That sounds more fun.

  • Jax: Okay, here's my joke: What do you call a fish with no eyes?

  • Anya: I don't know. What?

  • Jax: Fsh!

Anya laughs.

  • Anya: Okay, here's my joke: What do you call a cow with no legs?

  • Jax: I don't know. What?

  • Anya: Ground beef!

They both laugh.

  • Jax: I think your joke was better. You win. I'll go outside.

  • Anya: Thanks, Jax.

  • Jax: No problem.

Anya and Jax hug each other. They are both nervous, but they are also excited about the challenge ahead. They start preparing the suit. They must hurry, the little spaceship is approaching the satellite.

To be continued ... will the spacewalk be successful? Will Toby listen to his mom?